where do you ship?# for now, we're only shipping to addresses in the US, sorry! we hope to expand in the near future.

is your coffee ethically sourced?# absolutely.

is ordering via ssh secure?# you bet it is. arguably more secure than your browser. ssh incorporates encryption and authentication via a process called public key cryptography. if that doesn’t sound secure we don’t know what does.

how do you store my data?# your order is processed and stored in Stripe. we don't even have our own database!

i only want to drink Nil, do you offer a subscription?# not yet, but we will. follow @terminaldotshop to learn more.

will Nil make me a better developer?# legally we cannot guarantee that it will, but...

does coffee from the command line taste better than regular coffee?# it's just science!

is it true your coffee contains the sweat of @theprimeagen?# we can neither confirm nor deny these rumors.

is it true your coffee contains the tears of @thdxr?# yes, this is true.